15 thoughts on “Weekly Open Thread: What Races Are You Interested In?”

  1. for more info on challengers to Dole.  If I am not mistaken we are due for another potential matchup being polled in the next week or so.

  2. is on every mainstream media list of “most competitive races 2008” and “races that will be heavily targeted by Dems.”  I was afraid that Gordon Smith was going to fall through the cracks and be the Olympia Snowe or John Ensign of the next cycle.  However, and I’m sorry for the lack of links, I’ve been paying attention to every statement on the upcoming Senate cycle I see, and Oregon is always listed as a top-tier, major challenge.

    Which is good, but where the hell is the candidate?  I am still very concerned that this race is not going to materialize.

    [Incidentally, all these mainstream accounts always list Minnesota, Maine, New Hampshire, and Oregon.  They usually don’t list Colorado cause lately, they’ve been coming from the “vulnerable incumbents” context and there’s no incumbent in Colorado. They never ever list Virginia or New Mexico or North Carolina or Nebraska or Kentucky or Texas or Tennessee.  Also, how cool is it that leaving out the last four, there are eight reasonably possible pickups out there?]

  3. The ideological majority of the Wisconsin Supreme Court is on the line this April.  Jon Wilcox is stepping down.  Wilcox is part of the 4-3 conservative majority that currently exists on most issues. 

    The progressive candidate is Linda Clifford, who is off to a slow start after an anemic showing in the February primary.  But now it is head to head with Ziegler with about 5 weeks to go.

    Annette Ziegler is the wingnuts fantasy candidate.  The Club of Growth is pouring money into this race and if Ziegler replicates her showing this February then the Wisconsin Supreme Court is likely to shift further to the right.

    Politically this race is crucial, especially given the Attorney General is now hyper conservative J. B. Van Hollen.

  4. Please, please, please someone credible run against Mitch McConnell in Kentucky.  This is a winnable seat.

  5. Here’s an article on potential candidates for Jon Porter’s seat, which was one of the closest near-misses last year, and should be one of our top 5 targets this time.

  6. Rep. Jo Ann Davis R-VA1 is fighting a re-reoccurrence of breast cancer.  Her first bout with breast cancer was October of 2005 when she had a mastectomy & chemo-therapy.

    1. The Wisconsin Supreme Court race took a serious turn over the weekend as it was reported that Judge Annette Ziegler has failed to recuse herself from multiple court cases involving a bank where her husband is a paid board member.

      Judge Ziegler defense for failing to recuse herself from cases where her husband was involved was she subjected the legal questions to a “gut check” regarding if she believed she would be objective to all sides in the cases.  Several victims of Judge Ziegler’s “gut check” were quoted as saying they would have demanded Judge Ziegler recuse herself had she properly reported her husband’s role in the case as REQUIRED by Wisconsin law.

      So Linda Clifford now has her issue to hammer Ziegler with and Annette Ziegler really has no defense that is credible, she is in blatant violation of Judicial norms regarding conflict of interest in cases.

  7. Here’s an article wherein Bill Young (FL-10) and Tom Davis (VA-11) admitted they knew about problems at Walter Reed months ago. In both cases, they’re very entrenched incumbents who’d be tough to dislodge, but if they weren’t running the seats would be potential pickups.

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